Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Love is in the air...

And who doesn't love waxwings?  I was actually almost done with my 2 miles along a wetlands when I just happened to see movement in a tree.  I quickly put my lens on the movement and discovered two Cedar Waxwings sitting there. And before I knew it, one passed a tiny berry to the other, who a few seconds later passed it back.  This is the courtship behavior of this species and I'm not aware of any other bird that does this ritualistic passing of food back and forth.  And, this is the first time I've ever been able to photograph it - so very exciting.  After one of them finally ate the berry they just hung out awhile, watching me as I watched them.  We all seemed quite happy with the arrangement.

Other interesting things I saw were spawning carp.  Actually, I heard them first, and it scared the wits out of me because the splashing sounded about right for a bear.  What a relief when I saw that it was two giant fish instead.  It was fascinating to watch because there was a lot of competition for the females who were intent on laying their eggs in the shallows, sometimes with two males in attendance.  Fights broke out, water was splashed, I was fascinated.  And, okay, since you asked, I'll put an image in Extra.  

Also saw a wasp eating what appeared to be a spider - not something I've ever seen before and I am having a hard time putting an id to the wasp.  And lots and lots of Yellow Warblers singing their sweet song and chasing each other all over the place as they vie for territory.  This trail is always a hotbed of yellow warblers from May through July.  

My back wasn't as bad today.  I found some stretching exercises online for SI pain and tried some.  They seem to have helped although I guess I will need to give it more than a day.  

Tomorrow is my first oncology appointment.  I'm nervous and also looking forward to getting the next step in the cancer journey underway.  And as usual, I have my list of questions prepared.  

New York State announced yesterday that starting tomorrow they are lifting masking requirements indoors for people who are fully vaccinated.  I'm not sure how anyone is going to know who is vaccinated and who isn't, so I'm not sure if this just fluff or what.  New Jersey isn't relaxing indoor guidelines yet although I'm sure we will fairly soon.  I'm not ditching my masks yet.  

Stay safe, be kind.  And today, how about something dark with fruit?


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