
By Veronica


After a number of duds due to lack of practice, I've got my sourdough mojo back ... I had to recreate my starter from scratch, so it's a Spanish one now. Masa madre if you want to know. This is a crappy phone photo but it's all I have today.

Spanish lesson today ... Bea offered to promote us to the advanced class! We accepted eagerly, mainly because there will be three other students, so in that sense at least it will be less work for us. Now we need to up our game before tomorrow.

Tonight's stroll took us to Cotobro. The first few days that exercise was allowed, this part of the seafront was seething with joggers and cyclists, to the extent that we decided to avoid it. Now suddenly this one bar-less stretch of the seafront has been abandoned by joggers and everyone is heading into town instead ... wonder why?

We didn't bother with a bar this evening. Instead we had an apero on our own terrace; it's warm enough now to sit outside till nightfall, with swallows and swifts darting and calling overhead. Very pleasant.

Edit: on this day last year we performed our last choir concert with William as director. I wonder when we will get to sing together again? It's hard to imagine now, given the obvious -- but then unthought of -- perils in singing in a confined space closely packed with other people.

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