An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Making a splash!

I finally fell asleep just before 5am so (again) today hasn't been the most productive of days.

A friend who's a Social Worker contacted me about a family she's involved with (with the family's permission) who have a son slightly older than Alan, but who faces similar challenges.  The family have been put in an impossible position regarding provision of his care and she is wondering if I have any advice / information I could give to the family not only from a parental perspective, but from my 13 years experience of providing Family Support and Advocacy Services to children and young adults and their families.  

Having listened to their story, I am incandescent with rage at how this lad and his family have been treated, but it's eight years since I stopped work so my knowledge of legislation and what rights he and they may have is way out of date.  Oh how I wish I had a magic wand!  

I have agreed to chat to them tomorrow via Zoom, in the hope that just chatting to someone who understands will allow them let off some steam and may lead to some helpful way forward being suggested (at the moment I think access to a good independent Advocacy Service to help them fight their corner, is one option.  MSPs and local councillors have proved useless.  Hands tied and all that!) 

I have spent the day in a fug of anger at the injustice of it all, and only realised late afternoon, that the feeling I was carrying in the pit of my stomach is the same feeling I carried for all the years we spent fighting for Alan's rights, and during all the years I spent as a Family Support Worker.  It's exhausting feeling the weight of that injustice and the sting of helplessness at not being able to fix it.  

I only hope what little I can offer in way of support helps them in some way or another.  And while my heart breaks for this family, I can't help but give thanks, once again, that we are not reliant on statutory support. 

And just as I was feeling at my saddest today, this young man did what he always does...made me smile again. 

PS Thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts on my mum's birthday blip yesterday :-)) xx

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