Venturing Out

It’s Miss A’s thirteenth birthday today and Miss E wanted to walk round to drop off her present and card. They only live about ten minutes away. Miss A has been going to school as both her parents are key workers. Miss E misses her so much. No Harris + Hoole at the weekend, no walking home from school, no sleepovers. It’s rubbish.
Today she asked could she go ahead by herself and have some time with Miss A. She promised not to go past the gate and Miss A would stay in the garden.
They were so thrilled to see each other and Miss A loved her presents - a book set Miss E ordered off Amazon weeks ago and some Sherlock Holmes merch. Whatever that is!!!
Miss E is loving not being at school, getting through the day’s lessons by lunchtime and then pleasing herself for the rest of the day but she does miss her friends. Especially Miss A.
Bloody Coronavirus.

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