Coming along

That was Week 1. This is Week 6. It's changed a bit. The fuschia that was in the pot has revived as I've been feeding the pot. The petunia came out and then the flowers died, and it's now come back. The dianthus is with us now, but is a modest little plant in danger of being swamped by the other stuff. It's fun watching it change day by day. I've been charting the weeks in a series of posts on facebook.

A little march around the paths this morning, although we varied the route a bit to avoid getting too bored and ended up coming back through Pilrig Park. It was hot this morning, and Mr A went a wee bit pink sitting on the balcony! Gin after work (on the balcony - by this time with a blanket) made a good transition, before I did the cooking, although it was nothing fancy - just some pasta. As to work - it was one of those days when I just didn't really feel I made much progress. Somehow everything seemed pretty mundane. I dunno.... Oh well.

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