Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Flower Friday: Four

I meant to wake up early this morning to sweep the balcony in the cool of the day but I didn't quite make it. It was 9 am before I jumped out of bed and set to work. It didn't take long, but it did get hot. A warm breeze was nice but it just made the dust fly around (which wasn't helpful). So, having swept the sand and cobwebs away, I took a few pictures before jumping in the shower.

My gorgeous bougainvillaea is flowering again. I think it needs a lot more water now that the temperature is in the low forties. I am trying to capture four different types of flowers here - the bougainvillaea - in four colours, the  Crown of Thorns next to it, the flame tree which is now getting very red, and lastly, the Frangipani tree in the centre of the garden with its radiant white flowers. It was actually quite tricky getting this picture.

Grace joined us for the morning service and we had a nice chat before she left. We got to know a bit more about her and her story of coming to Dubai! We then "attended" the Salvation Army service after lunch, which was a special one for Pentecost. Possibly the best sermon I've heard on the subject - Captain Robert compared the stories of the Tower of Babel and Pentecost.

The evening had me going through my albums looking for pictures of events at Holy Trinity. I started with my 1988 album and soon got engrossed. Thankfully, G was busy making Beef Bourguignon so I was able to use her desk. I ended up scanning over eighty photographs; not all on the subject at hand, but I thought I might as well scan the family/friends pics while I was at it. I hope it doesn't take as long to go through the other album up to 2003 when I went digital. After that, it's a case of going through old external hard disk drives! It's all for a coffee table book HTC want to bring, part of their 50th-anniversary celebrations.

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