Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Broad Bodied Chaser

Having featured as an extra yesterday, today she makes it to the main Blip.  I know she's the same dragonfly, because of her misshapen lower segments.  This morning she was hanging around at the near end of the garden, by the house, perched on a plant labelling stick.

W, having been distinctly under par yesterday, was back to his normal enthusiastic self today, and has spent a good deal of the day washing plant pots to either give away or store away in the shed for future use.

I, on the other hand, after doing some ironing, then spent the rest of the morning just sitting by the pond, reading, and enjoying the fact that we are running the pump, so there is a lovely sound of burbling water down the rill.  It's not totally sorted yet, but the water loss is much less, and we think we know where the residual problem is, so when Dom returns, he can hopefully sort it fully.  

I did help with the pots towards the end of the day.  We'll put the excess pots in a box outside the gate, in the hope that someone can use them.

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