Wildflower Meadow

In January last year I blipped the front garden with all the turf dug up. Wildflower plants and seeds were introduced that spring and this year they are starting to come into their own. Instead of grass of questionable quality we now have daisies, clover, vetch, birdsfoot trefoil, violas, buttercups, speedwell, sheep's fescue grass and two tiny (yet to be planted out) seedlings of yellow rattle. There's probably more I've forgotten or not noticed. It hasn't looked great for the past 18 months but it's blossoming now and we hope it will provide a wee urban haven for bees and other important creatures. Many thanks to Miranda1008 for hosting the wildflower challenge.

A lovely shady morning walk. We met a chap who was very knowledgeable about the wildlife, botany and geology of Gowan Hill and stopped to admire the aquilegia, violets, bluebells (still), primroses and other wild flowers growing there.

Home and despite the heat I'm going to bake. Then garden. Have a happy Sunday.

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