Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

New Growth

Beautiful sunny morning today and its my weekend off, yay :):)

This is some of the new growth in the ground of the Sedum the other day!. Its so lovely to see fresh new growth after all that snow we had last week (or the week before) :) Considering whether it could be Pattern, in Missy Moo's February Challenge?

The back was bad first thing, but at least I could go back to bed with my warm wheatbag and hottie, and paracetamol. Went back to sleep which is quite a good thing for me, I don't normally sleep in!

So this morning I've done some washing and I've written some notes for an essay which I'll probably write tomorrow.

This afternoon I'm off to the Weaver's Spinners and Dyers group for a demonostration/talk, so I don't think there will be anything to photograph up there but I will take the camera in case!

Tonight I'm having some dinner out with two girlfriends to catch up~one of them has recently got engaged and I haven't met her exciting times :) We haven't met up for over a year, one of them has been working abroad in Luxembourg and the other is very busy generally!

In other news, I couldn't find Billy, but I knew he was indoors this morning. Here's where he was cheeky puss, lying under the radiator on a small beanbag I sometimes rest my feet on! What's wrong with the nice warm catbed that's right next to him on the left of this picture? :)

Have a great day blippers, must rush now and get some lunch before I go out :)

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