
An unexpected bonus from ‘lockdown’ - had to cut a new hole in this belt. Of course, being stupid, I had to cut two holes. This is the first hole that I cut at the wrong end. Hopefully I’ll never have to use this one! I’ve a ways to go before I can squeeze into a few old pairs of trousers that I’ve kept, more in hope than expectation, but it’s a start, you never know.
Broke my glasses this morning but good news, they’re only 363 days old so are still under warranty! That never happens, usually things break after a year and a day. So that was my morning outing taken care of - walk up to Blackhall, mask on, stand outside the opticians, pass broken specs over. The new definition of a shop being Open.
And arrived home from the allotment this evening with the first strawberries of the year and compared to shop-bought they’re a different fruit altogether. Fabulous!

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