(Inter)National Holy Well Day: Te Puna o Riwaka

You had been forewarned and I do hope a few brave blippers manage to get out exploring - Mobius was first man in! I have cheated appalling for this image but hey ho - it's the wonderful Riwaka Resurgence, considered sacred by Maori and a mesmerising sight as the river resurges from a myriad of caves under the mountain at this spot. The colour of the water is extraordinary. All water is sacred to Maori which makes sense to me. This is what the information board has to say:
For Maori, every river has its own mauri or life force. Rivers are the veins of Papatuanuku, Earth Mother, and the water in them is her lifeblood. Rivers nourish all living beings and link us with ancestors. Te Puna o Riuwaka has special mana or status, because from here springs waiora – the waters of life. 

If you do manage to find a well please tag IHWD20 and thanks in advance for participating - happy to accept sightings up to the 18th!

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