All Washed Up

All washed up in a good way.

We do not have a dishwasher machine in our kitchen. We have two dishwashers. The first one is Me. I tend to deal with the lower grade, every day stuff we use. Anything else is above my pay grade!

The Second one is She WMBO* as far as washing dishes and crockery is concerned. Her pay grade covers Crystal and Silver and everything that is included in my pay grade.

Pat (SWMBO) break tested the restored BT Broadband last night by Binge watching the Final Series of Breaking Bad on Netflix and was wide awake watching the penultimate episode when I woke up at 5:30 a.m.

She did manage to hit the "pause’ button and join me for breakfast.

Immediately afterwards Play resumed and the series reached its ultimate end.

Pat is now sleeping in bed after her Marathon binge.

* She WMBO is short for “She Who Must Be Obeyed". This was the phrase that the immortal Horace Rumpole used to describe his long suffering wife Hilda.  Horace Rumpole was conceived in the mind of John Mortimer who wrote the very funny Rumpole books. There are several TV and Radio series featuring Rumpole of the Bailey.

I highly recommend them all.

Rumpole’ s QC colleagues often thought of Rumpole as All Washed Up.

And now for a day at the Computers.

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