Under the Greenwood Tree

I had to go to Warwick Hospital this morning. Not something I was looking forward to, not the consultation, that was a service and tune-up of my pacemaker (the technicians words, not mine!), apparently there's certain things that cannot be done remotely via my bedside gadget. No it was just the fact of going into the lion's mouth so to speak with regard to Covid that worried me.  As it was it all felt very safe and very well organised and I was in and out quite quickly with no sitting around in waiting rooms full of coughing people.

After lunch we drove to the Rollright Stones where we met Maureen and Ian.  We had a nice chat and walk to the Whispering Knights.  I broke away from the party there to lose myself in the wonderful woods they have there, the other three took a walk over the fields.

I set my camera to the 16:9 aspect to take some Wide Wednesday shots, today hosted by StevenG, this is one of the paths in the woods.

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