What did we do before Satnav?

At the start of lockdown I made a start of tidying up the ‘family room’ (aka studio) so that we could use it properly.  Today I decided to take a second day at the task, and dug my way into the corner where we keep the wrapping paper, and bookshelves.
Under  the wrapping paper  etc I found the box of maps that used to live in the back of the car.  As good as redundant these days, but we do have an emergency road atlas in the Mokka, just in case.
Those maps are due for location in my map collection on the shelves.  I think I have space.

ps - I was just putting the said maps on the shelves when I noticed we had three Peterborough maps (OS142).  On examination I saw why - pre satnav - one for the Vectra, one for the Landi (TAD) and one for the house - I just had to add them to the blip.

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