
Unlike the past few Friday’s I didn’t have a lie in today, however, it was raining again so maybe I should have stayed in my bed.  I did a few chores, our friend came and collected his bike and it seemed as though the rain was easing off, so I went out for a run in the light rain.  It did get heavier at one point, but not too bad.  I did about four and a half miles.  I would have run a bit further to make five, but instead of a last minute detour to add to my run, I just ran home.  I was wet and I all wanted to do was get home and out of my running kit.
I had a work meeting at 2pm to which I had to call into.  It was a most depressing call – depressing in that there is no light at the end of the tunnel we are going along at the moment.  Anyway, I came away with an action to do some work over the weekend.  Not really what I wanted.
After that, the rain seemed to have eased off again, and I was keen to get out for a walk to clear my head, so BB and I headed out.  It wasn’t too bad to start with, but then the heavens really opened.  We got very wet and were glad to get home.
TT had gone out to act as a “bouncer” at this church which was open for private prayer.
Later TT had his regular whiskey session on zoom and I caught up with friends on my own zoom call.  I was weary and really needed my bed, but as ever it was lovely to catch up.
We sheltered under this bridge momentarily – some respite from the rain.

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