Day 107 The return of the Tinies

After being kept in a box for the entire duration of the lockdown, the Tinies staged a protest, insisting that it was time for them to make an appearance on Blipfoto.  Leading the way were Elsa and the Kinder Girls who decided that one of Violet's paintings made a suitable decorative background for them to pose against.  I have promised that they will be making more frequent appearances from now on.  Many thanks to Hanulli who has hosted the monthly challenge and has now  altered the way the challenge is presented.  Do follow my link to find out more and of course to see the many fantastic tiny people scenes that she has created in her journal.
In other news: I was spoiled for choice today with photos for my blip.  The tits, blue tits and great tits, seem perfectly happy with the slimmed down almost leafless weigela as it has both a coconut feeder and a peanut feeder, which they love and at times there must have been at least half a dozen of them clamouring for their turn.  I also got shots of Mrs Blackbird, who has lost her tail feathers but still flies very well.  She came to bathe and have a drink in the water feature.  They visit daily and so can feature another day.

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