Day 115 of my lockdown - Day 27 of slight ease

My entry for WideWednesday, with the optional extra of Movie Titles.  Well Before Sunrise is a movie made in 1995 starring Ethan Hawke amongst others.  I haven't seen it myself.  Very many thanks to RockArea for hosting.

I am very definitely bonkers!!!!  This morning I woke about quarter to 5, got fidgety, as I do, so got up.  Then I noticed a brilliant sunrise starting to form to the left of our windows, so for some mad reason I quickly donned my clothes, grabbed the camera and just walked down the road to take this photo.

I took a few others as well but for some reason this new lens seems to have got just a bit out of focus - I don't think this photo is too badly affected.  I will have to look at all my settings as I must have moved something without realising it.

Then after breakfast I just did some more household chores and the promised beautiful day did not amount to much - at least it is just cloudy though and no rain.

After lunch I settled down to continue my book "Date with Danger" by Julia Chapman, the 5th in the series of books by Julia Chapman about the adventures of private detectives called Samson and Delilah and set in fictional Bruncliffe, which in reality is Settle and is based all around the Yorkshire Dales.  Somehow I nodded off *gasp* yes I fell asleep during the day eeeeeekkkkk - so much for early morning starts.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT - my brother who is 59 today.

That's all folks - as Loony Tunes would say.

Please do take care, stay safe and do whatever you need to to stay safe.

Thank you so much for continuing to drop by, your stars,  hearts and comments - all very much appreciated and welcomed.

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