Styled Sunamaran, Rootings...

You can now see the character of the Sunamrarn trunk, with the twist and turn upward, towards the sun.  I have had this South American plant for 2 years now.  It has been allowed to grow and thicken, while at the same time I have kept it small and contained.   The tree stands 2" tall in the pot of soil. 
     This year I decided it was about as big as I wanted it to be.  I styled it and did a lot of trimming.   I really like the start, am looking forward to see how it develops and becomes something special.
  You can see my hand holding the rooting's with pearlite.The best cuttings were rolled in  rooting Hormone, placed in the pearlite and placed in another container.  The first container has holes to let excess water drip out, yet keep the pearlite moist to promote root growth.  So far, all of the cuttings are hydrated and firm.  It will take 3 or 4 weeks for enough roots to grow and then plant them in soil to grow and make new trees.

I really like this whole process......  It takes time, but for me, it's a labor of love.  Watching them grow and prosper is very rewarding.  Developing them into a plant of beauty and artistry is very rewarding.......
More to come as all progresses........

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