
D heard the news that the island might be opening up again at the beginning of August. Fingers crossed. They're opening up Edinburgh and Stirling castles sooner, but of course those are the big money spinners. Shandonner came over to return the Brompton (having bought himself a proper road bike) and we gave him a coffee - were about to drink it out on the car park but realised we could probably invite him in without undue risk (to any of us). A great novelty having someone else in the flat! After that I went up to the allotment, spending most of my time there picking (blackcurrants, salad stuffs, another sizeable turnip) and feeding the blighters.

Later I secured us a booking to have a meal at the Vaults next week (woo-hoo!) and got an appointment with Lia to get my hair cut at the end of the month. Dave cooked a surprisingly delicious sausage salad. That's quite enough excitement for one day.

The oak tree has come on somewhat since I last blipped it!

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