I'm a tiger, I'm a ......... tiger

Meet Worm, he/she has a wonderful life munching on kitchen waste all day long. Not alone, there is a colony sating their veracious appetites, in turn producing compost & liquid plant food. Worm & the others live in a high rise condo in a sheltered part of the garden at 81.
A very productive day beginning on the allotment. Fed & watered the squash, courgette, tomatoes, runner & French beans. Attached cardboard to more of the squash framework to prevent damaging the fruits. Ripped out the first pea plants stripping the last peas, thinned out the beetroot seedlings, replanting in the space created from the peas exit. Sowed a half row of turnips, & 3 half rows of parsnips. Tied the tomatoes in on the A framework. I picked my first "proper" feed of runner beans, a handful of French beans, 5 more courgettes, I lifted  potato plants, Charlotte was the second variety I planted. I'm really not impressed with the Pentland Javelin, the potatoes are very irregular in size, and not very high yielding. The Charlotte are higher yield and so far more regular in shape & size. A handful of asparagus peas. I pulled rhubarb, picked blueberries, my breakfast topping :-) Pulled a few carrots, not huge, but decent size for thinnings. I remembered to water the row first before attempting to remove any this morning. I has a nose around the other plots this morning as I was the only person up there. I wanted to check if Richard had planted out his leeks, nope, does'nt look like it. Richard & plot neighbour Stuart both have a fantastic crop of late broad beans cropping. I must remember to ask them when they sowed the crop. Stuart has lifted his onions, this is my first year of having a decent onion crop. I'd bent the stems over but not pulled them out of the ground. Stuart had, so I did. I laid them out on trays & put them in the shed as the weather looked dodgy for a while. I loaded the car & headed home extremely satisfied with the mornings jobs.
This afternoon I made a batch of gooseberry ketchup, chopped up the rhubarb, and prepared the veggies for a Summer vegetable soup using produce from the plot. I spotted some spent chive flowers in the herb  garden. Ew! Cheese & chive soda bread ......... STOP!!! I made a chive butter, oiked bread rolls from the freezer, worked the magic, popped them in the oven. Perfect!

Thanks to steveng for hosting Wide Wednesday - A worm's eye view

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