Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Loosestrife day

Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria
and in Extras, Yellow loosestrife, Lysimachia vulgaris

In fact they are no relation, the purple being willowherb family and the yellow primrose family.  But both are iconic summer flowers in the river valley.  They come as a reminder that as from today we're on the 19th WildflowerWeek 2020.  Incredible!  The tag until Saturday night is WFW20_19

With only 2 short breaks - to walk Hazel and to blip these 2 wildies down by the water - I have been working on the edit of the camera club handbook since half past six this morning   It really is the page-a-day-diary of Methuselah.  Tomorrow looks like being the same.

After that - and with the nice exception of my birthday on 10th - I'm entering a period of maximum stress, so I'm going to be relying on you, my lovely blipmates, to help keep me sane.

Meanwhile I hope your day's been wonderfully peaceful and fun  xx

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