AOG - Day 2

Controversy has always followed Team Brimstone, ever since they were caught eavesdropping on Team Skipper whilst they were discussing tactics. Looking remarkably like a leaf, Billy Brimstone hid amongst the foliage and brought back vital information to his team. It didn’t do them any good, Team Skipper romped home to the Gold yet again for the third year running. 

Today we went to Venus Pool Reserve - supposedly one of the best birding spots in Shropshire. However, what was not made clear was that all the bird hides were closed and there were no viewing screens at all, making it very difficult to see anything. No matter, we went on a butterfly hunt instead and had a little success - plenty of whites, although no marbled whites that are supposed to be around, Lots of gatekeepers, skippers and meadow browns, and a few common blues. But my favourite was the brimstone that very kindly sat feeding for enough time for me to get a few shots. 
We had a lovely walk and then managed to get back in time for our regular Zoom meeting with hubby’s family. A good first day. 

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