Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


Welcome to Day 3 of the AOG at the Rocky Mountain Arena.  The big hockey Tournament started this morning and is still going on as I type.  Poor Steven is counting the minutes in the penalty box before he can rejoin Team Squirrel in the first round of the Peanut Hockey tournament.  He knows that he was out of line when he tripped one of his opponents from Team Blue Jay but he didn't think he'd get caught.  I hope he's learned his lesson!

As one of the International Panel of Judges, I have awarded hearts and Honorable Mentions for Day 2 as follows:

Hearts:     SueJay          for Nectar Dipping Semi-final
                  KangZu          for Team Cottontail
                  Hillyblips        for Daisy Daisy 

HMs:        Diane2014      Billy Brimstone
                  maura143      Team Paper Wasp
                  laurie54           Fluttering to a Gold Medal

Thanks to everyone who participated in Day 2 of the AOG!  I am looking forward to seeing all the entries for today!  Tomorrow is the 4th day of competition and the tag will be AOG20204.  It's easy to join in, you just need an "athlete" and your imagination!

I am grateful that the car emission testing site reopened in Longmont this week and I'm grateful that the line wasn't too long when I got there!  I had to pay a penalty for being late, even though I filed for an extension.  I probably could have fought it but I was so glad to be done with it that I just paid it.  My tags had expired in May. :-0

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