Nectar Nab

This new-to-the-AOG'S-event is described as: "Nimble novices negotiating narrow blooms to nab nectar".  Natalia thought this was her niche, so entered the competition. Only Natalia's notorious past soon came to the judges' notice. Seems Natalia WASN'T a nimble novice. In fact, it was noteworthy that her nefarious past showed her to be a PROFESSIONAL nectar-nabber, thereby nullifying her from this novice Olympic event! Natalia's attempt at cheating came to naught, and when I asked her how she had the nerve to enter, she made this statement: "My intentions were not necessarily nasty or naughty. I feel I was naive and nearsighted in not better navigating the nectar nab notes before entering. This whole thing has been a nightmare"!      A novel approach, Natalia, but notably nuts to think no one would notice! :)))
Thanks to Debbi for her AOG'S, and thanks to Suzanne for hosting TinyTuesdays this month. 

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