A Study in Enthusiasm

Is it possible to look any more enthusiastic at the return to school after 5 months, or is it the taking of the photo that’s the problem? The Elgin and Glasgow grandchildren return to the classroom today while the Edinburgh grandchildren have a little longer to kick their heels and the Yorkshire two have only just started their summer break.

Nature certainly put on a show of power last night that rivalled any of the pyrotechnics which we would have enjoyed at the end of the Festival had it not been cancelled. The constant lightning flashes went on without a break for about 3 hours and the thunder shook the house. The only casualty in my location was the card terminal in Soderberg after a partial flooding of the café after the drains failed at the height of the downpour but it’s been a different scenario further west and north in the Central belt.

Thanks to the tax payers’ largesse, I am eating out for the first time this year. The temptation of a half price meal is too appealing to forego. Porty daughter is joining me for the occasion.

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