
We were lifted from our bed at 4:30 this morning by a violent thunderstorm presaging a rather surreal feeling for the rest of the day. Or maybe that was just because sleep was not an option and I do not do at all well with such early rising, even though it was dramatic. Most of he rain that can be seen in this rather unimpressive shot never reached the ground as it was still quite hot even at that hour of the morning. The heat is not unusual for this time of year. The humidity and the lightning are. It must have rained quite hard during the night as our newspaper, quite thick as it is Sunday, was soaked all the way through. 

There are days when I feel as if I am slowly descending into madness. I feel disoriented when I wake up, worried about everything and nothing, and with little enthusiasm for getting up and getting on with a day that is just another day in a long string of identical days. I don't think I am alone in this. This has been going on for longer than any of us imagined and there doesn't seem to be a discernible end in sight. The news is so alarming that we don't even have the stomach to read it anymore. The sabotaging of the postal service seems to be the latest outrage that inevitably sets me off...

Usually with a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine I can get my priorities straightened out and realize that in the grand scheme of things I am pretty fortunate. It's just that the 'live in the moment' mantra just isn't working so well, because this moment sucks....

Right now I'm climbing out of my moment of madness and chuckling at a message Dana sent right after they left down the back stairs. I'm putting the picture she sent in extras. Her message was, "I stole a fig off your tree. It's yummy. Didn't want a squirrel or bird to get the blame."

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