
I took some forward steps today. I visited friends in Edinburgh for dinner.

It was brave of them to invite me into their home, and a bit awkward too, while we adjusted to the distancing and hygiene arrangements. 

Driving as far as Edinburgh was a step forward in itself. So was driving home in the dusk, on almost empty roads. 

They live in the part of Edinburgh where I grew up, and when I was a teenager I delivered newspapers to the street where they live. It is always very À la Recherche du Temps Perdu when I go there.  

It was great to resume some kind of social life after 5 months. 

The day started as Saturdays usually do, with me sitting in a field drinking coffee and eating a wee treat - mango and coconut muffin this time. 

On a more prosaic subject, I am still hearing animal feet running around the roof space, but less than before. Apparently the poison can take a few days to work. However, I did sleep well last night, and in my bed. Well, mostly. I used the guest bedroom for part of the time. 

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