Tiny Tuesday ....

... mystery macro.

This isn't exactly a mystery unless you are unfamiliar with a Monarch butterfly chrysalis.  This is our third monarch cat to reach this stage. After eating their fill for 8-10 days the cats will go on a walkabout ... whether in the wild or in an enclosure such as this.  

During this walkabout they select a good place in which to pupate.  They first make a silk pad that will support the chrysalis then go into the J-hook position that you see here... hanging from their end feet.  This is done the night before they pupate.  This lovely cat j-hooked last night and is ready to pupate any time now.  I brought my coffee down to the sunroom in order to try to catch the transformation but it wasn't done by the time I was finished with my coffee.  And by the time I was done with my shower the deed was already done ... we now have chrysalis number three. 

Thanks to osuzanna for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month. 

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