One more in!

What happened today? It didn't rain, the sun didn't shine, the wind didn't blow and I planted a rhododendron on the bank. It's hard to see in this picture, but it's the shrub bang in the middle of the picture, which was taken from the deck looking down towards the road. 

It may look easy, but it was not! Nothing to hold on to, nothing to wedge the feet against, just a leafy slope! Anyway, it's planted. It's a hybrid given to me by my friend Chip Lima, a grower and hybridiser living in Scotland but originally from California. It's Rhododendron burmanicam crossed with Rhododendron 'Mi Amor'.  Stop by next year and you might see it flowering!

Limerick of the day:

A mischievous girl from Freshwater
Would never behave as she oughter.
A young man from the town
Took her particulars down,
And he wasn't the local reporter!

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