New reality day 45

Turranlampi revisited this evening around sunset

The reflection looks like the pond has ice sticking out. But no, it's not that cold yet :-)

We had a bit different day. My husband's parents and his granddad (95 years old) visited us today. So no renovation. We did manage to organize the outside storage shed. Now it fits more stuff again. My way is to fill the storage so that everything is already in order. My husband's way is to just stuff everything in from the door basically without looking, so in short period of time nothing fits in anymore, and everything needs to be pulled out, and then put back in, in organized way. So we did just that.

We also sorted some of the demolition rubbish. Some of it we plan to use again. I wanna build some planters for my future plants for the green house. Also some of the kitchen cabinets are now in use in the shed. Less rubbish and we don't have to buy that much materials. Win win.

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