Ysgafn fel pluen

Ysgafn fel pluen

Ysgafn fel pluen ~ Light as a feather

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Nawr rydyn ni'n adre ar ôl y gwyliau, dychwelwn ni at holl y pethau y roedden ni eisiau eu gwneud. Er enghraifft, i adeiladu Tŷ Haf, rhaid i ni dynnu i lawr hen bolyn llinell golchi. Roedd e'n bron mor uchel na'r tŷ ac roedd wedi'i wneud o haearn.  Rydw i wedi dechrau ymchwilio a ffeindiais i lawer o rwd. Roedd hyd yn oed tyllau yn y polyn - roedd e'n edrych yn eithaf peryglus. Pan roeddwn i'n pigo ar y rhwd,  dechreuodd y polyn blygu, a chymerodd fy holl nerth i'w roi yn unionsyth eto.  Doedden ni ddim yn gwybod beth i wneud. Doedden ni ddim yn gallu gadael y polyn - gallai fe ddisgyn ar unrhyw foment. Yn y pen draw defnyddiais i raff i dynnu'r polyn tra ceisio gwneud iddo ddisgyn yn ddiogel.  Roedden ni'n lwcus. Cwympodd e ar draws y pwll, ei ben yn taro'r lawnt.  Roedd e i lawr yn ddiogel, cawson ni rhyddhad.

Mewn cyferbyniad, mae'r fuchsia wedi dal pluen...

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Now we're back after the holidays, we return to all the things we wanted to do. For example, to build a Summer House, we have to pull down an old washing line pole. It was almost as tall as the house and was made of iron. I started to investigate and found a lot of rust. There were even holes in the pole - it looked pretty dangerous. Whhile I was picking at the rust, the pole started to bend, and it took all my strength to put it upright again. We didn't know what to do. We couldn't leave the pole - it could fall at any moment. Eventually I used a rope to pull the pole while trying to make it fall safely. We were lucky. He dropped across the pond, its head hitting the lawn. It was down safely, we were relieved.

In contrast, the fuchsia has caught a feather...

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