Blankney Walks

Over to Meg again today as I said yesterday. I had quite a bit of wandering around the village fetching shopping as well as the usual duties. There were forms to fill in too - my parents now have to pay the TV tax License so there was that to take care of.

A decent company, the ones with whom my Dad has insurance on his mobility scooter, actually sent him a cheque for £50 rebate on the insurance due to Lockdown, as they were aware he'd have less opportunity to use the scooter. I paid that in to the bank for him, and that will go some way to cover the license fee this time.

Brian collected me, and we drove over to the next village, Blankney, to find a Blip in their woodland walking area. The weather had been bright again this morning but by the afternoon was cool and overcast. Fortunately Bri had a couple of jackets in the car boot!

Blankney village is at the centre of a large estate originally granted to Walter De Aincourt by William the Conqueror for service rendered at the Battle of Hastings. It remained the principal family seat for 400 years until in 1466, it passed by marriage into the hands of the Lovell family.

My photo shows a recently renovated bridge which used to cross the carriageway leading to Blankney Hall.

The intention was to do housework when I got home but I really didn't feel like it and ended up chilling with a coffee and Minstrel on my lap!

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