Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I had such a wonderful time with my three besties this weekend.  And we even hugged!  I can't tell you how good it felt to do that - it's been months since I've hugged anyone other than my husband, and while he is very huggable, I missed being able to hug these three women.  We sat outside in the sun yesterday afternoon laughing and talking and enjoying the time with each other. Then, once the sun dipped behind the house we went indoors and broke out the wine and dominos where much more laugher and talking ensued.  Hubs cooked dinner which we lingered over.  Ellen drove home while Peg and Kura stayed overnight.

The visiting continued this morning over the most delicious blueberry pancakes from Hubs (a few of you have been treated to Sunday breakfast featuring Hubs' pancakes, so you know how good they were.)  We sadly said goodbye around 3 - Peggy to return to Corning and Kura to the City.  And, me, feeling just a bit lonely, out into the garden to snap a few shots.

The goldenrod in my garden is in good bloom now and even on a very chilly day like today, it is abuzz with pollinators.  I managed to catch this shot of the tiny Metallic Green Sweat Bee (genus Agapostemon) nuzzled into the blanket of gold.  And if you look very closely, just above his big green compound eyes, you'll see his small "simple" eyes, the ocelli, which are used to detect light and may aid in their flight navigation.  

Frost warning tonight which is very early for us.  We had one last night too although it didn't materialize.  Hoping it doesn't get that cold since the asters in my garden are just starting to bloom.

Be safe.  Be kind.  Be patient.  Love bees.  (Just seeing if you were paying attention)


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