Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Bright and Shiny

(Stay-cation back blip #5 of 7)

I'm not a huge fan of photos of hummers perched on feeders but this is probably the best shot of a male Anna's hummingbird I have ever gotten.  Anyone who has photographed hummingbirds knows how colorful the gorgets (throats) can be but the light must be perfect.  In this case, the light couldn't have been more perfect.

I got the results of the tests I had yesterday. No surprise about the rib. It was probably a good thing I had the renal ultrasound. My kidney isn't bruised, which is a good thing. They compared the pictures to a CT I had in February.  Historically, my kidneys have been symmetrical. Now, the left one is 1.5 cm smaller.  A cyst has grown in each one, now, too. They both seem to be benign but one is a tad larger and thicker than the other. The nephrologist isn't ringing alarm bells so I'm not going to worry.

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