
Today is the Autumn Equinox (according to my book, though it could have been yesterday,  apparently it's a bit of a moving fixture). Anyway either way Autumn has officially started and true to form the sun didn't make an appearance and it rained for a good part of the day.  Effectively  the equinox means the night and day are of equal lengths, from now on the days get shorter until the shortest day in December.   That of course is a bit of a misnomer as days are of fixed length throughout the year, it's just the amount of light that diminishes.

The leaves are changing colour and I'm picking conkers up as I go on my daily walk, something I've always done, much to Ann's irritation as they end up littering my desk and work area, as if there wasn't enough stuff on there already!

So here's a photo of some wet autumnal leaves from a bush in the garden.

In other news: the Stratford  Mop and Runaway Mop (fairs that take over the centre of Stratford twice a year) have been postponed due to Coronavirus.  Because the fairs are governed by a Parliamentary Act (1847) an act of Parliament is required to totally cancel them, so a small ride will be erected by the American Fountain in Rother Street on October 12th to ensure the statutory act is complied to.

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