Autumn Leaves

TT headed off to his office this morning, that left me to get BB organised and get myself organised.   My work day was very busy – mostly about budgets – this will be a theme over the next few weeks, maybe months.  We have a huge challenge ahead of us and no easy answers that we can see.  I was determined to get out for some fresh air at lunchtime as I missed out yesterday.  It was quite a nice day, but there was a real chill in the air, but at least I got my washing dried!
BB returned home from rugby training and guess what – he was starving!  I fed him cake and finished off my work and got tea sorted, just in time for TT’s arrival home.
Later I went out for a walk in the dark and had to stop by the supermarket for a notebook.  This home office doesn’t have a well-stocked stationery cupboard unfortunately.
The tress were looking rather autumnal on my lunchtime walk.

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