
By Viewpoint

Between us we’ve raised a lot of goldfinches

The goldfinches have raised the chicks, but we’ve provided the food and without that on-tap food I’m guessing there would have been fewer young birds around.

I wanted to do a bird entry because for the last two days I’ve noticed Willow-Warblers in the garden, zooming around like mad (I’ve no chance of photographing them).  At first I thought they were squabbling like the goldfinches do all the time, but as I stopped to watch I decided that there were lots of insects around after the rain.  Scanning the trees with my binoculars I also spotted a wagtail, possibly grey or yellow, but it didn’t reveal itself for a fuller view.

This afternoon the sunflower seed feeder has been very busy, mainly goldfinches, with blue, great and coal tits sneaking in when they could.  All was busy and very active until the sparrow hawk was seen overhead and all of a sudden they all made for cover.  They’re back now. 

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