Hello Lovely Blippers,

You might remember me - my name is Penny Penguin;  I’m a friend of JH Ted and we often go out on adventures together.  Well, today I thought that I would sneak in for the Silly Saturday shot, as JH Ted was wandering around in the HCB’s garden.

Yesterday Mrs. HCB went over to the nearest conker tree, just outside their new fence, and picked up lots of conkers - those that were on the ground and also lots still in their cases, and I think she was going to let JH Ted play a game with Mr. HCB, but I decided to get in first and asked her if she would take my photograph playing amongst the conkers, and she agreed.  

It’s not often I get to play with things like this - in fact, where I come from, all we have to play with is snow and I sometimes get fed up with doing that.  It can be wet and very cold and when I go back indoors after playing with it, my Mum gets a bit annoyed because she says I drip water everywhere.  

So today, I thought that playing with conkers might  be a better idea - although I will need to be taught how to play the game but I'm a quick learner.  The idea is for each player to have a conker on a piece of string that goes through the middle, with a knot in the bottom so that it doesn’t fall off and then you try to hit your opponent’s conker and smash it.  It sounds great fun, but it also sounds as if it could be quite dangerous.  However, Mr. HCB says he will teach me - the only thing I need to remember is to keep the conker away from my face, otherwise it won’t be water I'm dripping everywhere but blood, especially if it hits my nose - and then my Mum really would be cross and worried!  

I hope you are all having a great Silly Saturday - Mr. and Mrs. HCB have just been to have their flu jab - they said it was very well organised at their surgery, with a one way system and lots of marshalls - so they were both done and out within five minutes.

Sending Silly Saturday hugs to you all - now I must go and do some practice with Mr. HCB before the Conker Tournament.

Penny Penguin xx

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