Happy First Birthday Euan!

We had a good morning socially distanced orienteering around Hookstone with me making my usual unique route choices which today included leaving a control at 90 degrees to the direction in which I should have been travelling, and weaving in and out of the pillars of a viaduct trying to find the path!  Great fun though.

But the focus of the day has to be on celebrating our grandson's first birthday.  It's not a brilliant blip but then he doesn't stop still long enough these days and for this we are glad.  He wasn't really interested in opening presents although the crinkly paper kept him occupied for a while, and he wasn't so sure about the squeaky racoon we had sent although his Daddy managed to bring him around to it.  So we enjoyed an hour or so watching him chase Rosie the cat; push his table on castors back and forth across the living room; play tap tap with his wooden balls; roll his very fun wooden egg around the floor and, one of his favourite things, switching the stereo on and off, which is what he is doing here.  After we signed off, they were going to stand out on the verandah as the neighbours were coming to sing Happy Birthday, such a smashing community.  I wonder what he thought of that?  And then he had appointments lined up with Nana M and Grandad A, and his Aunties and Uncles.

Happy Birthday Euan!  We love you xxx

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