Wide Wednesday: "Tall"

Today's Widwed challenge (hosted by Steveng) is "Tall".

"How to represent 'tall' without going for a portrait view?" I asked myself. The answer of course was to pop along to our local Metro station with my fisheye lens and stoop down low with it to get a shot of one of the lift towers. I did the deed pretty quickly as:

a) I was under the watchful eye of a security camera
b) There were a couple of Metro workmen on the other side of the line

- and I didn't want to be regarded as a terrorist planning anything nasty. (I'd warned my Editor that if I didn't arrive back quickly I'd be in the clink.)

Advance Reminder: This Saturday is the first one of the month, which means it's Silly Saturday in memory of blipper Admirer. Laurie54 had volunteered to host it but I see from her blips that she's been ill, so if she's not well enough then I'll host it instead. The tag will be SilSOct2020. Please get your thinking caps on!

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