Life In Wales

By KarenC

Daddy’s Little Helpers

Quarantine Day 7

This is what working from home is like for Alan, the boys always join him in his office, and invariably he works with them both sat on his knee - they’ve even sat there through meetings lol!

It’s fine though as they can’t see anything from the office as the windows are too high for them to see out of, so there’s nothing to make them bark. They can’t stay me, as I work at the dining table and they would assume their position on the footstool in front of the living room window. Any cat or person that walks past sets them off barking, and as the clinic’s phone is diverted to me at home, that wouldn’t be very good!

Kes the Kestrel was back on our neighbours’ roof numerous times throughout the day, but the magpie wasn’t with him today. At one point I went out with a piece of ham, waved it in his direction for him to see it, and then put it on the fence post. I hoped it might come down onto the fence, but I didn’t see it, however the ham disappeared! It could have been something else that took it of course.

I finished at 1pm, had lunch and then spent the afternoon going through the holiday photos and watching catch up TV. It was very wet this afternoon, but I can’t go out anyway so it’s not a problem, although it would be nice to sit in the garden.

7 down, 7 to go!

Boris held a news conference at 5pm on the current Covid situation, but that didn’t really set out any tighter restrictions. Interestingly, in his questions and answer session with some journalists, there was one point raised that on 21st March, a few days before lockdown, there were 71 deaths. Yesterday and today we are at the same number and over 7,000 cases in the last 24 hours, so our numbers are certainly ramping up again.

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