Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Please Bee Kind

I was going to head out for a paddle, but the wind kicked up and I decided I'd rather potter around in the garden.  Because, you know, it makes all the sense in the world to try to photograph arthropods on a windy day...not.

In spite of the wind, I had some success and even managed to find a tiny crab spider and an even tinier Ambush bug who were  willing forced to pose for me.  You can see them both over on Flick - click HERE.  Could have easily blipped either of them, but decided to go with the bumble bee because, after all, who doesn't love a fuzzy bee?  Okay, well, my husband isn't really keen on them...  In truth, I just love the look of the bumble bee in the goldenrod - it makes me happy.  

Two of my remaining 5 monarch chrysalids emerged today - a male and female monarch, both looking big and strong.  I will release them either later today or tomorrow so they can be on their way.  Three more to go, hopefully within the next few days.  Today's will be released in memory of the 211,000 Americans who have died of the virus that we are told we shouldn't worry about.  But I digress.  If you'd like to see what a 2-minute old monarch looks like, next to a one-hour old monarch, Click HERE - it's pretty interesting to see how small and shriveled looking a brand new butterfly appears.

Trying not to read too much news today.  I find that my anxiety level is rather high right now and it doesn't take much to make me feel really discouraged.  I do plan to watch the VP Debate tonight and look forward especially to seeing how Kamala does in this venue.  I really like her and have high hopes.  

Bee kind!  And bee safe.  And thanks to Caileach for WildWednesday!


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