
By dunkyc

True colours

I have had better days at work.

I have had days when the planets have aligned and in short: it has all come together.

I have had days when the polar opposite has happened and it has all fallen apart.

Then there was today. Today which dipped considerably after enjoying the changing colours of the neighbouring tree.

Going into a meeting with self-confessed supportive people in senior positions sworn to get behind the team in these challenging days, I was understandably unprepared for the mental pummelling that followed. Whilst this wasn’t much fun in of itself, the unjust question marks raised against my honesty and integrity were a step too far and much tongue biting, bile swallowing and excessive levels of self-control were needed to ensure continued gainful employment.

I have not known such pure anger for some time now and did take a walk to calm myself down after. So bad was it that friendly colleagues and my manager who were present in the same meeting, were on the phone to me after to check in and empathise with what had happened.

In a sense, I’m also glad that it happened as certain individuals revealed their true nature in a meaningless point scoring exercise and it’s one of those moments, where you pause for a second and say to yourself: “Ah, I see you now. There you are.”

Lesson learned.

On the plus side, I earned two stickers (does fist pump) from my piano lesson later that day, but was advised to slow down on some of the pieces I am keen to play. Good advice. 

I was meant to be going to a quiz, but wasn’t in the right frame of mind, so The Eldest and I sat and cried with laughter as we binge watched Friday Night Dinner. 

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