Reggie posing!

It was a really dark grey damp morning but the sun did make an appearance this afternoon. Reg and I went out into the garden, which actually is mostly still like a field, and it was good to be out in the air. I dug up some parsnips and turnips for dinner while Reg mooched about, mostly eating grass and sniffing out where the rabbits had been! Tomorrow is supposed to be very wet and windy so I made use of the brightness while it lasted.
I drove to town to post off the jacket. I usually try to avoid Fridays. It is a small town with mostly independent shops, except the Lakes and Dales Co-op, but it is well used and Fridays particularly busy which means less parking. I was lucky and able to grab a spot on the main street, perfect for me with my ailing foot! Normally I don't mind parking further away and walking a bit. 
The rest of my day has been spent cutting out 3 more LunaLapins. I'm approaching the next batch in a different way. I'm going to try making all three at once, one body part at a time. Then I'll make the clothes on a sort of production line. Not sure how it will go but time will tell. I have been hoping to get them all finished by the end of October but thinking now that's a bit optimistic, realising it's the 23rd already! Maybe I'll aim for Guy Fawkes instead!

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