James and sparkler at the beach

We met the family at Whitley Bay beach at 5pm as planned for fireworks and fish and chips. We won’t see them again for however long the lockdown lasts.

The cousins played on the beach while the mums went for the food and then some of Aldi’s fireworks were set off along the beach. We stayed up on the prom with the children who insisted on sitting on the other side of the railing, the side with the steep drop to the beach naturally. They made enough noise for 40 not 4 as each firework went up. After the fireworks they had 2 sparklers each - they went down to the beach for that and I took some photos from above. I liked this one of James although it’s not sharp. Actually most of my photos were rubbish in the poor light.

Other news -
#2 daughter was due to go back to work tomorrow but was told today it was being reviewed as furlough is being extended.

#3 daughter’s husband works for Greggs. 5 have volunteered for redundancy so that’s a relief for him as he’ll still have a job in the meantime.

The children are upset as they won’t see me for my birthday walk. I am sad too but we’ll FaceTime. And as I keep reminding myself it’s not as though I was sitting in the channel in a leaky inflatable. Or as daughter says - look on the bright side - you are not married to Michael Gove.

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