Douglas Terrace

Here's the sign for the footpath to Douglas Terrace. It's at the far side of the Kings Park which is a lovely place to walk. It's both wooded and open. It's also a posh golf course but there was no-one playing today.

Whe we first came to Stirling, and for the next five years, we lived in Douglas Terrace. We were fortunate to have a fine house there and it was for us a very happy home. We moved in November 1981 which some blippers might remember was the coldest winter for a long time. The water supply to both our immediate neighbours froze in the pipes under the pavement. Ours didn't for some reason so we were able to offer help. A great way to get to know new people. 'Our' house was on the market recently and I had a look at the schedule online. It had been done up in a way that made some rooms unrecognisable. It didn't seem to linger for sale and I hope whoever bought the house will enjoy it.

An early walk over to and round the Kings Park. It's a pleasant morning with sunshine and only light winds. It's very mild and we might have stopped for an outdoor coffee. However I already had one risk to take, going into a shop to buy a 2021 diary, and that was enough.

No Monday childminding as our grandson is still self isolating. Fortunately he has had no symptoms so should be able to get back to nursery on Thursday. Although we live in various different local authority areas all the family is in Level 3 of the restrictions and travel for essential childcare is permitted. So, unless that changes, we should soon be back to regular Monday and Wednesday duties.

I'm away off to the garden now. So many leaves to deal with and yet more cutting back of withered plants.

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