Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Sideways Grin

Not much photographic success today. I was a little taken with the look of a church against the sky as I went down Katoomba St, but no photos turned out even ok: poorly/blandly-composed, hugely converging verticals, just bleh. So I took some snaps of the kids when I got home, and this one appeals rather a bit.

Bigger a bit.

I recommend Game of Throne most highly, by the way. It's gripping, not just for the story, but crucially, the writing. Whereas in Timeline (Crichton) any of the dialogue could have been spoken by any of the (charitably-termed) characters, in Game of Thrones there are clear differences in how each character speaks and behaves. Martin also doesn't waste words in over-done and pointless exposition; rather he leaves quite a bit unstated, which keeps the reader guessing, and hooked. It's a lovely read.

Reading it is lovely. It's not just that the book is enjoyable; the reading of it is enjoyable.

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