Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Today was rather a Game of Thrones Day, with extra time on the train because of a meeting down in the 'Rif.

I also found out a colleague is a photographer, and is doing or has recently done (I can't recall which) a street photography course. He's on Flickr, with some cool photos.

I was going to submit another One Street entry today: someone must have thought this pole would catch cold. However when I left work I spied an example of the more commonly-seen cousin to the Lesser Bush Trolley - that being the Common Or Garden Urban Trolley - seen larger here. I was rather taken with the dappled light, which was particularly evident after the B&W conversion.

I have in fact blipped the C-O-G Urban Trolley a few times before:

What Else They Are
And here, seemingly devouring the young of a Blacktown family.

So, dishes are done, kids in bed, coffee consumed, wife's calf massaged, blip about to be posted ... must be time for ... ;-)

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