A time for everything

By turnx3

Eying up dinner!

Another bright sunny morning with a hard frost. With our trip to England we had missed two church choir practices, and were a little dismayed to find we didn't know this morning's anthem - usually we practice them for a number of weeks before hand, and having been singing in the choir for fifteen years now, many of them we know anyway. However, this morning's was a new one, and I guess must have been a bit late coming in, so we hadn't seen it before! Fortunately it wasn't too difficult, and I was reasonably OK with it by the time practice was over, however, overall it was still rather shaky (particularly the men), which was a shame as it was a very pretty anthem. Later in the afternoon, after doing a few odd jobs, we went out to enjoy the sunshine at the Nature Center. We don't usually bother going into the Visitor Center, but we did today, as I had read on their Facebook page that they were selling their "liquid gold", that is their own maple syrup, and I wanted to buy some, and thought the shop would probably be closed by the time we came back from our walk. In the Visitor Center, there were a number of people gathered by the big picture windows overlooking one of the bird-feeding areas. They were watching this red-tailed hawk eying up his dinner, in the form of the squirrels scampering around poaching the bird food - apparently he took out two last weekend! The birds seemed quite unperturbed by his presence, which surprised me - maybe they knew he was after bigger fare! We watched him for quite a while, but although he leaned forward a couple of times, looking as if he was about to pounce, he never did, so we finally set off for our walk. There were banks of yellow aconites in several places - a lovely colorful promise of Spring! Then it was back home to get dinner and iron Roger's shirts to help him get ready for his business trip to Durham North Carolina tomorrow. So I'll be on my own for the week.

I've finished back-blipping our trip to England - do check them out if you have time:-

"The Big Apple"

Great Fountain Gardens, Hampton Court

"Sheep may safely graze"

A life remembered

Foggy day on the Malverns

Roger at work in the kitchen!

Laura with her grandad

Snow on the Malverns

Snowdrops at Painswick Rococo Gardens

Returning home

One year ago, a rather different bird, a graceful swan!

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