Support package

A package arrived a few days ago, not to be opened till the Apex Staff Conference today and here it is, a much appreciated wfh Survival Kit. Apex is an amazing organisation to be connected with. We work with people on the margins, people who are often written off but who with support returning their self confidence and dignity can be employed, rebuild their lives and contribute. It's been challenging for the team to do it during the current restrictions but they are inventive and committed and the stories were heart warming.

We finished at lunchtime and I had a quick trip to the PO. The correct Poppy Scotland badge arrived (RRS) and is on its way to KL. The wrong one (dolphins) is headed back to Glasgow.

Despite the sun I was still indoors. Another interview, I'll know the outcome next week. But it was gloriously sunny and once released I gave the grass its last cut for 2020, Nov 5th who'd have thought it.

Now an evening at home, listening to bangs. Willow is unperturbed. I love fireworks but organised ones in public displays or a Fete de Feu d'artifice, as in France, not the random ones that are going off tonight. I hope everyone stays safe.

And across the Pond the count goes on. You couldn't make it up.

F2F - 2
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 2

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